Summer is ending. It was an amazing summer. This summer I made sure I enjoyed every day of it, no matter how hot it was. Last winter was brutal, and I cried, I was miserable, because for once I wanted to see the grass, and the ground, instead of snow. It was a brutal 6-7 months. Than the 5 layering of clothes, and the walking was the worst. I really desperately had made it my goal to get my license and a car before winter comes. I just need practice, and I did go for a lesson, but ofcourse it gets expensive. I know I will have to spend it, but I know my driving is okay, I just need to practice. The problem is I don't have any friends that have cars. Even if they did, I don't have the guts to ask them. I guess I want to make sure that I am not going crazy spending the little money I have.
I lost my job at JcPenney, all because apparantly I stole time. I basically forgot to clock in and when it was time to leave I clocked in and out. Didn't think it was a problem, but I was late, and I did not remember what time I came in. But somehow I did this twice, and somehow that was more than enough, and I was fired for stealing time.. I guess maybe that is why I don't even care about losing the job. I just needed the money, and I guess because I am so used to being busy. The job sucked, I have to admit it. I think subconsciously I was sabtoging the job. I guess because I knew it was a pointless and meaningless job, for me at least it was. I just cannot see myself doing the same thing every single day and being excited about it. I can't believe there are people that worked there for years and are happy. I did not find the job challenging, so I just did not care as much. I do feel bad for the people that hired me, and I did want to continue working only because some of the people there were really nice. But I really felt like that job was not fitting with me. So in a way I did not really lose much. I am kind of relieved, because those early hours were killing me, and taking the bus, plus I was buying stuff because well, when I see pretty things, I want it. Especially it is more tempting to buy when things are on sale. So I think I was spending more money, because I was out and about a lot more. Working in the mall is not a good idea. I have not been to the mall since the last time I worked there. If I do go now, its only because two one of my hoodie and sweater are starting to fall apart. One has a hole that I can put my finger through, and I can sew it up, but until then, theres a hole. Then the other one, has two tiny holes, near the zipper. I have a feeling that was done by my cat's nails. But anyway, since then I have not spent money, aside from food and bills. I am still waiting on that call from the daycare for an interview. I still have to go and apply for a job at that tutoring center in my school. At the moment I don't really have the desire to work, but if it is related to teaching or my field, I will do it. I just have to keep trying.
I also did not get into the Peace Corp program, which was the reason I started this blog. But again, in a way I am relieved. I was definitely dissapointed, because I was preparing my mind for what I had to do if I did get accepted. But I do understand why I did not get accepted. I know I don't have experience in teaching, and I think the requirement for teaching English in other countries is to have the TESOL or TEFOL. I don't have that. So it makes sense, and I think I do need experience before I can teach abroad. I also am relieved because I don't think I was ready for the sudden change, since I would be leaving in March of 2016. I still want to learn to drive, I want a car. I was freaking out about my cat, and my things. I lied a bit to my mom, telling her it was only a few months. I also thought how will I get married? Since it is 2 whole years in another country. That is definitely too much. I also think that I did not do enough research, and I chose Albania. It is not a problem, but maybe next time I will just let them choose for me. I feel if I had chosen to be a regular volunteer I would have been picked, but since they have teaching English as a program, and I am studying to be an English teacher, I thought, why not? So I know I was being constricting with my options.
Been watching Grey's Anatomy.. Seattle ^^
So now, I have time to finish things. I have started my teaching certification program. The issues I had with adding classes was because I had applied to recieve my diploma by fall. Now I changed it to spring, so I will get my diploma in February. I know I wasn't going to get it since I still have one class left. Now the classes I am taking for teaching certification are for the teaching certification but I am allowed to take some classes as an undergraduate. Now when I do the teaching certification for next semester it will not be the same, because I will not be able to take more than 2 classes, unless I apply for a masters program. But I am not sure about UBs master program, or if I will do my masters right away. So it sucks because it might take me longer. I probably have about 6 classes to take, and 2 are field experience classes, in which I would go to schools and observe or assist teachers, these are 2 week sessions. I know I can take classes in the summer as well. So maybe I might finish by fall of next year for my certification, if that is I do well and get a B or higher in all my classes for the T.C.
Now that I know how the program works, it's also why I did not want to leave in the middle without finishing my certification. Now, I can definitely complete it with ease. I also feel that I need to take care of my mother and sister first. I feel like I need to focus and just get a teaching job. I want to have my mother live with me, and I want to buy a house for us to live in together. I really feel that I am getting older, and I need to start taking action with my life. I have a lot of ideas, I would say I could have entrepreneur qualities. I am always thinking of new restaurants, and bakery ideas, or any type of business really. I also just came up with the idea of opening a book store, from watching this British show called Black Books. I also have suddenly realized how important public libraries are, and hope if I am wealthy enough, I can make a library somewhere, maybe in Buffalo? Although, there is a public library here, it sucks, and it is very small. I know what a nice library looks like, where I lived in Long Island, has the best library I have ever seen. I grew up watching that library grow. I read so many books, and watched many movies from that library. It is what created my love for reading and writing. So I hope one day I can also create a library for other kids too.
I have now the time to relax, and just focus on my education and career. I definitely am going to try to write more. I want to try to get involved at my school as well. I really need to start losing weight. I have become so big and I only noticed from the pictures at my cousin's wedding. I have blown up like a house. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I don't want to be like those people that just let go of themselves after college. I want to be a hot adult. I am more worried that I will get a heart attack, or get clogged arteries. With being overweight health problems increase. I don't want to be in hospitals. So now, I am trying to eat better. So far, its half healthy and half unhealthy. Basically I will eat fruit, but also eat pizza. Or I drink green tea, and eat mac n' cheese. It is truly pathetic. But I know I am trying. I have bought fruit for the first time in months. I haven't eaten fruit other than a banana, in so long. It literally shocks me. I always worry about fruit rotting, or being expensive, but it tastes good. I always was trying to find a substitute for sweets, and I feel dumb, I never even thought of just eating fruits. I haven't had ice cream in about 2 weeks. I did eat muffins and chocolate a few days ago, and a frappucino. Today all I had was a pizza pie from Dominos, and a banana. with green tea of course. It was great, but I also have the urge to do a bunch of squats and push ups?? See I am hopeless. But now I plan to go to the gym tomorrow, in my school. I will try my best to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I know my problem is I go really hardcore on the first day, and I don't feel pain so I assume I can handle it. Then I will go a second day, and then a few days later the pain kicks in. Then I turn into a handicapped person, thats limping and walking like I have a hunchback. I cry every time I breathe. So then I tell myself I will not work out for 2 weeks so I can heal, which turns to months, and then a year later, a new year happens. I try again, and the cycle repeats. Only one time, this year I managed to work out for 2 weeks, and I went about 6 times to the gym in those 2 weeks. During the new year, when I was visiting my mom in Texas, I ran 2 miles, and did a bunch of weight lifting in the gym at my sister's apt complex. I did not sleep the next 2 days. I had the worst pain in my ankles and legs, that I could not lay down, I had to sleep sitting, and I had to take a lot of asprin to numb the pain. On top of that I got really bad eczema all over my stomach and armpits from taking a really hot shower or something. I had to use black soap for a month and thanfully its gone, but I do have some scars.
So now, I am going to go slow. I will do light excersizes and slowly increase my workout time. I also am trying to slove my rotting vegetables problem. I am thinking of just buying frozen vegetables, since it lasts longer. I was also thinking of freezing my vegetables, but I know once winter comes, it will be easier to buy vegetables. I have been making up my fasts, but I have been doing them slowly as well. I have 17 fasts to make up now. I just can't believe I gained weight. I know I am self conscious, but I will say it, I weigh 180 lbs. I used to weigh 170 a few months ago. And a year ago I weighed 160 lbs. I weighed 130 lbs at some point as well. My goal was to go back to that. It sucks that each time I have to add 10 lbs more that I now have to lose. It sucks because I know I can do it, but I keep giving in to my cravings, and I have too many cravings. It is a real struggle. I know the only way is that I have to eat less, and not eat out. But I also have to eat healthier. I am not young anymore, and I know my metabolism is slowing down, which means I have to work twice as hard. I just really hope I can do it once and for all.

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