For the holidays I went to Texas to visit my mom and siblings. I stayed for 3 weeks, now I go back to Buffalo tomorrow. It wounded up snowing here in Lubbock, TX randomly, which made us get stuck at home. It snowed about 1 foot, almost like a blizzard with hale as well. It was interesting since many of the neighbors didn't have shovels, so they used shovels that are for digging dirt, to shovel the snow. Not smart because those shovels are heavy, and metal, the snow would stick to the shovel and it is much smaller than snow shovels. I used a dust pan to shovel a pathway to my moms car. There was ice on the porch, so I poured hot salt water to melt it. The plastic dust pan worked better then the dirt shovel, funny though.

In the midst of that, I left my cat in Buffalo, my roommate was catsitting for me. I put her in the attic, since its spacious for her to walk around, and there are small windows she can look outside as she usually does. There was also already a mattress and some chairs, so I put blankets on them for her to sleep or sit near the window. I put everything for her, food, water, and a heater, radio... etc. She was doing well, and it was all good for 10 days. Then on Christmas my roommate had to visit his mom, so he said he will ask my other roommate to watch. He stayed at his moms for a day and came back on December 27th. When the other roommate left to work he said the cat was meowing, so it was around afternoon. My roommate came back four hours later around evening time and went to check on her. Basically my cat somehow went outside. There is also another roommate, a girl who has a mental disability. She said she didn't know anything, but its pretty much the only answer. She definitely opened the door and let my cat go outside. Nobody else was home. My cat was missing for 6 days and was finally found on January 1st. When she came back her collar was gone. My roommate had been looking for her everyday, and he put fliers. That day he heard a noise outside, when he went to check, he called out for her name, and she came to him at the door. SO now, when he put her in the attic he put a lock on the door. The girl roommate threatened to call the animal control saying my cat has fleas. She told him the cat has to be gone by the end of the day. He put the cat at his friends home until I get back.

^^ Chewy ^^
Shanu is a boy, I usually call him Whiteboy. Tina is a girl, she is the smallest of the three, my sister calls her Choonie, but I call her Tina. She is the cutest and doesn't scratch. She also keeps to herself. Whiteboy is sweet but he can play a little rough. Chewy is fiesty, and sometimes she randomly bops Whiteboy in the head with her paw. It can be entertaining to watch them.

I took a bus to get here. It took 2 days, was some strange bus ride. I got to see Chicago for the first time. I had some strange experiences. I had to transfer buses 3 times. First bus went to Ohio, when I sat, some lady came randomly and was trying to tell me that its only for two people. But really she just wanted her kids to sit next to each other. I didn't get what she said, but she just told her daughter to sit next to me. So it was alright. Then I took a bus to Chicago. That bus I sat alone, until some black woman with her two kids sat right behind me. I was in the second to last seat. The last seat is longer. So I fell asleep, and woke up to this little girl staring at me. Basically those kids were hopping, bouncing back and forth from the seat next to me to theirs. The little girl asked me for quarters, she tried to tickle me, then told me to wear deodorant, and she called me Mexican and a pilgrim. She tried to ask for my phone. Then her little brother came he was sliding all in the seat next to me, he smelled like pee (I'm guessing he peed in his pants), and was barefoot. Then there was some old black man sitting in the back seat too, and he just was helping the mother out, so he asked to use my phone. Then the mother asked for it too, I let them use it. I was worried the kids would take it and try to look at my stuff... Then the little boy came back and had some peanut butter crackers. He couldn't open the packet so I helped him, then he ate it all. There were crumbs everywhere on the seat, orange crumbs, he brushed off the seat. When we got to Chicago I picked up my bag that was under my seat, it had orange crumbs all over.
Then I took a bus from to Amarillo TX. I managed to get an empty seat. I always try to go for the window seat. There was one pick up stop, and just one lady got on. Apparently, the empty seat next to me was the only seat, and she sat next to me. This woman was old, and very very large... Not only that she had a giant blanket, and a bag with snacks, and another bag. Basically I was squished against that window. It was very tight. There was a break stop, and from there I changed my seat and sat next to some hispanic guy, so then that was fine. But then, apparently, there was some woman a few seats back, she got a little mad, when some men were talking and laughing and she told them to stop because she was trying to sleep. The men whispered but she still got mad. Later on, she got mad about really weird things, I think she said something to the lady sitting next to her who was black, and said something to her which she went and sat somewhere else. Then some guy accidentally tripped over her leg, and she complained how he didn't even say sorry. She complained on and on. She talked about her life, her ex-husband, kids, and her daughter has anorexia, she has to go to the hospital to see her. Her ex-husband beat her, she got pregnant at 18 years old. She wanted to study psychology. She sounded smart, but clearly something was wrong with her. At one point she was even crying about something.

Then I took a bus to Lubbock. In that bus, it was super cold, it was an old bus, there were no charger outlets. Some old man sitting behind me was coughing non-stop. Definitely an odd experience. Now I will have to go back to Buffalo, taking 3 buses as well. First Lubbock to Memphis TN, then Memphis to Ohio, and Ohio to Buffalo. I will be leaving at night and get there after two days during evening.
~ Food my mom made ~