So much has happened. July was a hectic month for me. I know my Ramadan did not go well, and I have yet to make up the fasts that I did not keep due to my new job. I managed to fast 2 times last week so now, I have 19 fasts to go. My online class ended, I got a C+ was hoping for a B+ or B. I did all that was required, but I think I may have not post enough comments. I beleive the minimum commenting/posting requirement was 25 and I had 20. I just wanted to pass it, it was a boring class, talking about video games. I do like video games and I definitely learned a lot, but it was hard to constantly find something interesting about it. It is a lot more technical than just playing a game, designing video games is so complex. So I guess I learned a lot, but the way the online class was, that was a bit strange. The whole blog posting thing was confusing, I only did what everyone else did. I was never sure if I was doing it right.
UB Flowers ... at South Campus!
Mother Duck and the kids.. :)
Cheesecake! :d

Now all I have left is that Spanish class to take. I am now worrying about my enrollment status. For some reason I don't have access to enroll for fall classes. I am not sure if I applied for the right term for my teaching certification, I applied for summer admission. I did get accepted, and now I see that my academic report shows that I am in the program, but I don't know why I cannot add classes? Now I can't stop thinking about it, and will have to call tomorrow and ask. I will go to campus too, and ask, get it done because next week classes start. I don't know how this happened. I know I was able to add summer classes, and that was all that showed, so I thought once summer classes end than I can add for fall. But now I don't know. I feel anxiety, I just hope its not too late, the classes fill up really fast, especially spanish classes, and there is only one class left that is open. Ughh... I hate this. I am also worrying about my teaching certification, I have no idea how that works, how do I add classes. I do know which classes I have to take. But I am so curious because it is not like a masters program, its just a certification. But once I complete it I can apply for masters. I am also just concerned on how the system works, can I take any class, or is there an order of which class I should take first? Is there a limit to how many classes I take? Some classes are online, am I allowed to take those? Then there are training classes at certain schools and are about 2 weeks long, it is a course but again what is that? I guess I will find out tomorrow... so far from today.

I also got a job offer-ish to work at a child care center/tutoring place. It is a daycare but it also tutors kids from I guess preschool, kindergarten, elementary level education. It will open when schools open. I just am waiting for an interview date. I really hope I get this job. I also had a job offer to work at my schools book store, but I could not really go because of my job at JcP, and it was only a temporary 3 week job. I also just am not so thrilled to say, but I have to say it... I got fired from JcP the other day. Yes, I know it is shocking even for me. I know I had some issues with lateness, it was not that. But was related to that. So, there were about 2 times that I forgot to clock in to work, and when I had to leave at the end of my shift I would clock out only to realise that I did not clock in. I came late those 2 times apparantley and so, I clocked in on my scheduled time and not the time I came. So they told me that I stole time??? Time theft??? I have been working there since end of June, almost 3 months and 2 times I did this? How am I suddenly stealing time. I mean there was a day that I worked 11 hour shift, scheduled for 9 hours. I even clocked out much later, than my time out. I did not get paid for 2 hours of work, and I did not even care. I even thought that it's okay since I am late sometimes. Meanwhile they told me I came 45 min late, and 25 minutes late. Ok? so why not take it out of my paycheck. They could give me a warning? since it was only 2 times. I have had came to work on time, and I did forget to clock in.. so they seem really hardcore about this. They accused me of changing the time, and I said no, I only submit what the computer said. I did not even know how to change the time, and now I looked at it and saw that it is possible.. so I did not like that. They even watched me on camera??? Very creepy. One day I left early, and I clocked out on that day, but only because I was not feeling good, so I left. It was not busy either and I did finish my work. Did not think it would be an issue. I feel a bit violated, they watch me..thankfully I hope I didn't do anything weird. I know I would fix my hair or clothes at times.

South Campus ^^
North Campus ^^
I am kind of glad its over. I was not really sure if it was the job for me. Firstly too much labor instensive job, for me as a girl. Pushing carts, not my forte. The store has some issues with their air conditioning and so I am sweating so much there. Then waking up at 5 am to just stock stuff everyday, the same thing...was a waste of time. Fixing clothes?? why, when it will be messed up right after from some customer. Waking up that early was the most annoying part. I did enjoy the sunrises, but other than that.. no thanks. I was worried how it would fit into my school schedule. But now not a worry.

I think July was too much for me, maybe having a job was also not the right time. I wish I had gotten the job maybe either in June, or now in September. July I had to do the Ramadan, than the online class, my mom came to visit, and in August I went to Long Island too. I also had that restaurant job which I left for this job. I worked really hard at JcP. The first day I walked to get there. I mean on my training day I took a taxi home. I definitely did care. I guess I just got careless as I saw it was not as exciting as I thought it would be. Oh well... I am thinking of also applying for the writing center at my school and working there. It would be so much better. I really need a job related to what I am trying to do as a career. Any other job just seems so pointless now if it is not related to English or teaching. I know I started eating more and I bought a lot more clothes, and I gained weight.

My mom came to visit me in the end of July, she stayed for a week. It was the most busiest week I have had, since I would work and come home, then take my mom out. I don't have a car, so I had to walk with her everywhere. I was so tired yet I still took her out. The first day I let her rest, since she came at night. The second day after I came from work, I took her to my South campus, we took some pictures, I showed her the restaurant that I worked at Dosa Place, and we bought some stuff at Tops grocery store, I showed her this other clothing store too. The third day, after work, we went to Niagara Falls, took the bus. We went around 5 p.m and got there at 6 ish. It was fun, we went on the boat at night. There were fireworks, and we took a lot of pictures. Then when we had to come back it rained a bit, and we still had our rainbags from boat. It was crazy since now it was 12 am and we were waiting for the bus for an hour. And 2 times the bus came and drove right past us. We were so pissed off, because we were yelling, waving our hands, and the bus driver did not even look. It was just a bus stand post, and across was some Indian restaurant and it had a table out so we were sitting there while waiting for the bus. And we would see the bus from a distance, so we would go and stand when we saw it coming, but then the bus was not the bus we needed.
This happened about 4 more times. It started becoming funny, almost like a comedy, like Charlie Chapplin. Just too funny. We had those bags, on, we were eating croissants we brought with us, and it was raining slightly. We were the only people outside while, right across was a hotel, and right down the street was another hotel. The road, was a loop type of road. But there was also another road and they both intersected, going towards another road, that either went left or right. The last bus came at 12:05, and we were waiting for it to come. Now, I was worried that maybe the bus won't come. A different bus came, and we asked about the bus we needed, the bus driver said that the bus had gotten into an accident. So we were even more worried that we would have to spend the night. I went to check the price of a hotel, while my mom waited at the bus stop. I was again worried that what if the bus came while I am in the hotel, how would my mom get me? So there was a guy in front of me at the checkout desk, asking the price. As soon as I heard the lady tell him the price $200, I left. I went walking to my mom, and I told her it was $200.. as soon as I came back, a bus came by... but it was not where we were standing.. we ran to the bus, and it was that bus that we needed to get on. We were so confused because that bus did not come through the loop road. It came from the other street. Thankfully we got it, otherwise, that was the last bus. I still can't believe that happened. I feel like if I had stayed a tad bit longer in that hotel, we would have missed. Those kind of moments, definitely make me feel queezy inside. But again, if anything I knew we would stay, not much of a choice. But still $200, is not worth it. So then once we got to the bus station, we took a taxi home. Got home at 2 a.m.

** Fireworks, and boat ride! **
The next day I had off, and I went and got my hair done. When I got back, my mom and I got into a bit of an argument. She was mad that I called her negative, and so we were angry for the day. The next day I had to work, but I did not go as I was worried that my mom would take off. Instead, we did go to the mall, and we shopped to get clothes for my neice, and nephew. We even went to JcP, and a coworker saw me, that I had to work, but I just said its Sunday, and acted surprised. Well, I never worked on a Sunday, so in a sense that is true. Then afterwards, we ate some food, there were ducks at this Supermarket, and we fed them bread. Then we went to my north campus, and there is a lake there, where we fed even more ducks bread. We bought cheesecake and celebrated my graduation. It was really nice. The next day I worked and we just relaxed, I can't remember if we did anything. My mom went to that clothing store, and I guess explored on her own. The next I worked, and I left early, from not feeling well, and I had to drop my mom off at the bus station to go to New York. So, I got home around 5. My mom went to run some errands, and then she and I ate food, and relaxed again. Then I took her to Greyhound, and that was that. The next day I also went and stayed in Long Island for a week.

Niagara Falls, Canada

At Long Island, I pretty much did nothing, except went to the wedding of my cousin's. It was okay. The first day was the Nikkah, or actual wedding ceremony. The place was at the Terrace in the Park, it was the top floor, and the view was amazing of New York City. They did the ceremony outside on he balcony. Then inside was more picture taking, and the bride and groom stuff. But some things happened, the groom and my cousin fell. There is this silly wedding prank that happens in Pakistani or South Asian weddings, where the sister of the bride tries to sneak off the grooms shoes when he is sitting. Now, what happened was, the sister of the groom took off his shoes, or someone did, while he was standing. Not only that he was drinking milk, which is another weird ceremony. But they took his shoes, while he was standing, so he slipped and, choked on milk, then fell. I did not see him fall, all I saw was the bride fell. There was a crowd, and she got up laughing, so I though it was funny thing. People were laughing, then it got all serious...I thought the grandmother passed away.. but it turned out it was the groom, he hit his head when he fell on the floor, and maybe passed out. Since he got up with pain on his head. That was how the wedding ended. There was another issue, that might have caused the hard core slip, which was a dance that my other cousin's did, the guys .... danced to a song, and threw baking soda, all over the floor. And that pissed off the workers that cleaned it.. but people were slipping and sliding as they walked across the dance floor. It was definitely a weird wedding. Then the issue with the elevator, that we had to squeeze in to get to the top floor, and again to go back down, otherwise it took a century. Even though there were 5 other elevators, that was the only one, going to the top I guess?

The other day was a wedding brunch.. it was at a Marriot in Westchester, so it was a bit better. Early at 12 noon. Not so great, but the wedding was better, there was food, and just some dancing. Pictures taken, and the end. The rest of the days, I laid around doing nothing, went to eat chinese at one place with my sisters. Then there was a small BBQ we had at my aunt's house where we were staying. My mom left the night of the Nikkah.

She had to go back for her job meeting. So it was just me and my siblings. We also had some smores after the BBQ. My manager messed up my schedule, she put me to work on the day I was coming back, and she had me to work the next day too. The day I was coming back, I went for the bus, and I had trouble finding the street for the buses. I was going the wrong way, and I just made it only to see the bus going, and I waved and yelled, but the bus driver just said nope, and left. So then I spent 5 hours at a McDonalds waiting for the next one. The next bus was at about 12 a.m and I missed the bus that was for 6:45 p.m. Thankfully, I made it for that one. I made it back to Buffalo by 9 a.m and got home by 11 a.m. My shift was from 6:30a.m-12p.m so I missed that too. I had off the next day. Then Friday I worked. So this was the first time that I did not enjoy going to Long Island. Staying at my aunts house was the worst idea. They are nice but they are boring. My cousins are married and so they don't do much. Well the older sister, she works and has a daughter. Her husband works too. So when they come home they are tired, which I get. The other sister, she is home and she visited from Florida, yet all she did was clean the whole time. She cleans, and yet the place is not even messy? I really think she might have OCD. My aunt, her mom, also cleans like crazy. I never understand why.. They also have a dog, he is so cute, chubby small. Don't know the name but the dogs name is Iris. My uncle, their dad, he works too, but then he also has other errands. They have a vegetable garden in their backyard. So I just laid all day, the days I had nothing to do. I bumped into my ex's best friend when I went to eat chinese. That was something different.. wonder how that played out with him and my ex?
The Nikkah Wedding Ceremony: Terrace On the Park
Me and Familia at the Wedding.. Sisters and Mom.
Cousins and aunts.

Now I am just bored out of my mind, but happy to have time to myself. I am excited for school. My landlord finally fixed up the place a bit. He painted the house from the outside, a nice warm orange auburn brown color. He fixed the bathroom wall of the tub. He fixed more of the 2nd floor. So he painted all of upstairs, and he put new tiles in the 2nd floor kitchen and bathroom. He did only the bathroom for my floor. I wish he had done some more, but he said he needs more money, and when he will come back for the rent he will then fix the rest. Since the bathroom, still needs replacement of the window, and the mirrors.
The kitchen floor needs to be fixed, and walls to be painted. The ceiling of the living room needs to be painted. I wanted to replace the lock in the door that is for the backyard, in my room. That way I can just go outside from the back.
Terrace On the Park ...
For now, I am enjoying myself. I was a bit sad on losing the job, but I really don't feel anything. I am I guess surprised, it is the first time I have been fired. I also feel a bit like a criminal.. but I did not even know I was being one? I think the camera watching really just freaked me out. JcP is gangster. I am done working at these crazy jobs, the jobs are not serious but the people make it like it is the most important thing on the planet. The job I want, to be a teacher is more important.. actually changes people's lives. But not fixing up a store for people to buy stuff they probably don't even need. Life goes on... I just am really hoping I get the Peace Corps finalized. I have a feeling I am going because I did get an invitation to go to another meeting and greeting at New York, and it said for "future Peace Corps Volunteers". I couldn't go due to work.. but also it was in NYC. So I am so excited, because I really only have this one awesome thing to look forward to. School is good too, I am happy to get that going again as well, but. The other thing I am working on is getting my license. I also want to buy a car hopefully by end of September or October. I will buy a cheap car that can last me a year or two. I know once I get the finalized answer on Peace Corps, than I can figure out what to do. If I get it, I will drive to Texas to live with my mom, and from there I will go to Peace Corps. But if I don't get in, I will just continue and finish my teaching certification, then get a teaching job, and try to move to New York. I was also thinking of trying to get my masters in Colombia University or other better colleges. Crossing my fingers.. lets see what happens.